Baby Isaac is Born

Last week Ms. BA taught about how Abraham and Sarah trusted that God would keep His promise to give them a family.  God made a covenant with Abraham.  This covenant was a promise that God would keep no matter what!

Abraham was really old when he was told he would have a son.  His wife, Sarah, was old too.  Older than your grandpa and grandma, most likely!  When Abraham was 100 and his wife Sarah was 90 they had baby Isaac!  And do you know what the meaning of Isaac’s name is? LAUGHTER!   smilelaugh   Isaac brought them so much joy and God had worked such an amazing miracle that they couldn’t help laughing!

Here’s the story this week: God Sends Isaac

And here’s a word search puzzle you can solve…

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Dear God, thank you that you always keep your promises. Nothing is too hard for our great and wonderful God. We are helpless without you. Help us to trust in you, depend on you, and obey you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stay well and safe and I hope to see you soon!

Love, Mrs. Bess

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