Holy Week

This coming Sunday, we will celebrate Palm Sunday.

Here’s an excellent explanation of what Palm Sunday is all about. (Note: I borrowed this from https://kids.lovetoknow.com/palm-sunday-children)

As Jesus and his disciples walked towards Jerusalem, he sent two disciples ahead, telling them to find a donkey and a colt. The disciples brought the animals, laying their cloaks on the donkey so that Jesus could ride. As he rode towards Jerusalem, people laid cloaks and palm branches on the road in front of him, shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” and “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” When he entered Jerusalem, a huge crowd welcomed him, waving palm leaves and shouting “Hosanna,” because they supported Jesus and his message. Arriving at the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus healed the blind and the sick; however, at the same time he aroused the ire and suspicion of the priests, who heard children shouting in the temple area calling out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”

Important things I want you to remember about Jesus coming to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday:

  • Jesus understood that this was God’s plan.
  • This was to be his last trip into Jerusalem.
  • People laid down palms in front of him as a sign of honor
  • Jesus’ actions including sending disciples ahead for a donkey point out that what was happening was part of God’s promise.

This Sunday we will be singing Hosannas to the Son of David. Come join us for this time of celebrating Jesus’ Triumphal Entry!

With love-

Mrs. Bess

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